The Season to be Merry!
This update comes to you in December as Lockdown 2.0 comes to an end in England and the Christmas holiday season approaches. Hopefully it finds you, your family, friends, colleagues and businesses safe and well.
While many companies and individuals have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the M3UA has continued to be busy throughout. Working remotely might not be ideal for everyone, but it definitely gives more members more opportunity to participate in M3UA virtual events and activities, getting more value from their membership. Good reason to be merry!
While our Special Interest Groups continue to be popular, we’ve also been delighted to see members enjoying the first ever Infor M3 Virtual Hangout. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive and we’re planning more for 2021. More reasons to be merry!
In 2020 we’ve had to cancel annual conferences for obvious reasons, but we’re hopeful that in 2021 we will be able to get together again. The format may need to be a bit different, but we will do whatever we can to make it a great experience for everyone that attends. Another reason to be merry!
Read on to see what’s been happening, what’s being planned, and how you can get involved. We looking forward to your participation and wish everyone a merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.
Stay safe.
M3UA Annual General Meeting
All M3UA members are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the M3 User Association which will take place virtually on the 14th January at 10am GMT (11am CET). Click the banner to register.
The agenda for the meeting includes a review of 2020 and look forward to 2021, the election of the M3UA Steering Committee and a motion to amend the constitution of the association described below.
Election of Steering Committee
The M3UA is seeking additional committee members to help direct the development of the association and to oversee it’s activities. No experience necessary. Nominations can be made at any time before the AGM by email to Martin Hill, General Manager.
Amendment to the M3UA Constitution
It is proposed to amend the constitution to introduce new levels of membership designed to help grow the association, allowing companies who are already members of other regional M3 user groups to join as Associate Members.
A full description of the proposal is provided for members to download and review here.
Infor M3 Virtual Hangout
In November the M3UA held the first ever Infor M3 Virtual Hangout, an opportunity for M3 Users to meet each other and share their M3 story. Feedback from those that attended was overwhelmingly positive. Attendees from both member and non-member companies took the opportunity to introduce themselves and describe their current M3 implementations, projects underway and challenges they currently face.
A lot of discussion took place about user acceptance of the new H5 user interface, and the benefit of using home pages and scripting to dramatically improve the user experience. It was generally agreed that a repository used to share scripts and other developments would be of value to all M3 users.
As a result, the M3UA will be launching a Special Interest Group to allow members to share developments and to investigate and promote the most appropriate platform for sharing. Keep your eyes on the M3UA Events schedule if you are interested in this topic. All members are welcome.
SIG Meetings On Demand
Lockdown hasn’t affected our ability to hold virtual Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings, they are all recorded and available to members on-demand on the M3UA website along with copies of presentation materials.
All employees of all member companies have access to this knowledge base once they are registered and log in to our website. Use the date filters on the M3UA Events page to see all past events.
Members can apply for website credentials here.
M3UA UK Conference
The Steering Committee of the M3UA have taken the decision to postpone the UK Conference until later in 2021. The expectation is that current social distancing rules and regulations will still be in effect at the time the conference had previously been planned (April) which would make the event untenable.
Assuming the positive effect of current restrictions combined with the promise of a COVID19 vaccine, we are hopeful that the conference will soon take place again. All existing registrations for the postponed 2020 conference will be valid for the new date when announced.
You can leave us your suggestions for the agenda using our Contact Us page, or volunteer to present a case story on our Share Your Knowledge page.
M3UA Members Survey
As part of our commitment to continuously increase the value our members gain from their participation in the M3UA, we need to know more about them. That’s why we will be asking every User Member to complete a short survey in 2020.
Understanding the profiles of our User Members will help us deliver more appropriate content and give us the opportunity to connect those who have similar profiles. All information gathered will be completely confidential, the M3UA will use the information only for the purposes stated and we will not share or publish any individual member details.
The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete so feel free to submit your responses using the survey dialog below. If you’d rather wait for us to call you, it might help to read through the questions beforehand.
Take the Survey |
Member News
Peak Indicators, an advanced analytics consultancy working with many Infor solutions including M3, joined the M3UA as a Vendor Member.
Royal Zeelandia is a global player in the bakery ingredients business and are now members of the M3UA. 3,200 employees in over 30 countries and sales in about 100 countries.
Miraclon produces imaging technology for printed packaging materials across the globe. They joined the M3UA after recently going live with M3 in their manufacturing plants and warehouses.