Kicking off Inforum Europe in Paris (3-4 Nov 15) the M3 User Association, together with Merit Globe AS, organised a evening meal for M3UA members and Merit customers for the night before Inforum started. With an informal start to the “big event”, an opportunity to meet with other M3 users and a chance to sample the local cuisine, it was not surprising some 40+ registered for the dinner. What did surprise us was that 35 were present ! Fog and bad weather across Europe left some stranded in their departure airport, returning home or travelling by early morning Eurostar the next day !
Le Môm Restaurant did us proud – with welcome bubbly, a private dinning room, good food and a ‘sensible’ quantity of French wine, all had a good time – the feedback was very positive :o) Many thanks go to Merit for their help in organising and sponsoring the meal together with Ciber (a new M3UA Partner Member) and SMA Solutions (a long-term member of the M3UA) who also provided sponsorship, allowing members and customers to enjoy a ‘free dinner’. Who said there’s no such thing as a free lunch ?
So, with the first successful event of the “new M3UA” a success I will be looking for the next opportunity for an informal meeting !