At the Paris Inforum, last November, International Operating Companies (IOC) had a meeting with Infor. Infor Product Development requested customers to provide input on future requirements for M3 V17 related to Multi Unit Coordination (MUC) and Distribution Order (DO) flow. Patrick Verlee, IT Director, at Victaulic started a global IOC Design Group on the “PERFECT” Intercompany Process as many global companies use this M3 DO flow functionality for intercompany shipments between manufacturing and distribution and amongst distribution facilities across countries, business units and continents.
What has done so far?
6 Global companies have signed up for this challenge in creating the IDEAL (Perfect) process and formed this IOC Design Workgroup. They developed through the use of conference calls a document describing all DO flow scenarios in their companies. In addition they listed out the MUC scenarios without DO. They also listed all the shortcomings in those current processes.
This document is the COMMON baseline for the next action.
What’s next?
From 20 – 23 June 2016 those 6 companies will come together in Victaulic offices in Belgium and define the IDEAL Intercompany process and what M3 functionalities may be required to accommodate ALL scenarios listed as preparation work. On the 22nd Infor Product development will join the IOC Design Group and review all requirements listed by those companies for future M3 release.
On 23rd June there will also be a IOC meeting where International Operating companies are invited to.
In case of any further questions or if you wish to be involved in creating the Perfect DO process, don’t hesitate to contact Patrick Verlee, IT Director @ Victaulic using the form below.
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